What do we do?
As part of our diplomatic mission in Mexico, the Cultural Center is in charge of promoting Turkish culture through activities that show its richness.
These are some of the activities we do:
Turkish Courses
Learn Turkish with native Turkish teachers
Music classes
Discover and enjoy the mystical rhythms of Turkish music.
Curso de tiro con arco
Aprende las técnicas básicas de este deporte tradicional de Turquía
Lecture Series
Learn about Turkish history and culture in our seminars
Cooking lessons
Learn exquisite Turkish recipes from our chef.
Días de Cafe Turco
Celebramos el día Internacional del Café Turco en las instalaciones de nuestro Centro Cultural
Ebru course
Immerse yourself in the incredible techniques of Traditional Turkish Art.
Turkish Movie Nights
Enjoy the stories of the most acclaimed Turkish films.
Clases de Danza
en tus oídos
Escucha nuestra playlist con los mayores representantes
de la música turca de ayer y hoy.